Creating Constitutions with ChatGPT

This assignment, by Julia M. Gossard, is from the the book Teaching and Generative AI.

The summary from the site explains:

This chapter explores how students used ChatGPT to construct constitutions in a course on the history of the Age of Revolutions. Student responses, the product, and instructor implications and critiques are included.

Key Features of This Assignment

Focus on Critical Thinking
The assignment encourages students to critically analyze the content generated by ChatGPT, prompting them to assess the relevance and accuracy of the information and make necessary modifications to align with their objectives.
Collaborative Learning
Students work collaboratively in groups to draft their constitutions, fostering teamwork and communication skills while allowing them to benefit from diverse perspectives and ideas.
Exploration of Legal and Ethical Concepts
Students explore key legal and ethical concepts by drafting constitutional provisions, encouraging them to think critically about governance, rights, and the responsibilities of citizens and institutions.