Guiding Students to Assess the Merits of Artificial Intelligence Tools

This assignment, by Sunaina Sharma, is from Edutopia. The summary from the site explains:

Students can tap into their critical thinking skills by examining artificial intelligence outputs to see if they meet learning standards.

Key Features of This Assignment

AI Assessment for Critical Thinking
Students critically evaluate the outputs of AI tools, such as ChatGPT, by comparing them to human-generated responses. This process helps students develop their critical thinking and analytical skills by assessing the quality and validity of AI-generated content.
Collaborative Evaluation
Students work in groups to assess AI-generated responses using provided rubrics. This collaborative aspect encourages peer-to-peer learning and helps students understand the criteria for high-quality work, fostering their ability to give and receive constructive feedback.
Rebuttal Writing for Argumentation Skills
Students write paragraphs that defend the opposite position of the AI’s response. This exercise not only strengthens their argumentation skills but also enhances their ability to anticipate counterarguments and develop robust rebuttals, crucial skills in technical writing and beyond.