AI as Team Coach

This assignment, by Ethan Mollick and Lilach Mollick, is from Harvard Business School Publishing. It’s one of a series of “Student Use Cases for AI.”

This activity leverages AI as a team coach to enhance collaborative writing and communication skills. Students work in teams to complete writing tasks, receive AI-generated coaching, and reflect on their teamwork. The activity fosters effective collaboration, communication, and iterative improvement in team-based writing projects.

Key Features of This Assignment

AI-Generated Coaching
Teams receive AI-generated coaching to improve their collaborative writing process. The AI provides insights on group dynamics, task allocation, and communication, enhancing the overall quality of the team’s written output.
Enhanced Collaboration
The activity emphasizes teamwork by assigning group writing tasks. Students learn to collaborate effectively, leveraging diverse perspectives and skills to produce cohesive and well-structured documents.
Reflective Teamwork
Students reflect on their collaborative process and the impact of AI coaching. This reflective writing component helps them identify strengths and areas for improvement in their teamwork and communication strategies.