The Trade-Offs of AI Technology

This assignment is from Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide on Ethics and AI, on the ISTE website. The summary from the site explains:

In this project, students explore the opportunities and shortcomings of a variety of AI technologies. In the process, they consider the stakeholders affected by AI technologies, examine the trade-offs involved in AI design and use, and consider ways that they can personally impact the ethical use of AI technologies in their own life and in the lives of others.

Key Features of This Assignment

Critical Analysis
Students critically analyze the pros and cons of AI technologies, enhancing their ability to make informed decisions about data sharing and AI usage.
Ethical Considerations
Students explore ethical issues related to AI, including privacy, biases, and unintended consequences, fostering a deeper understanding of the moral implications of technology.
Stakeholder Perspectives
Students consider various stakeholder perspectives, helping them understand the diverse impacts of AI on different groups and promoting empathy and broader societal awareness.