AI and the 21st Century Worker

This assignment is from Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide on Ethics and AI, on the ISTE website.

The summary from the site explains:

The “AI and the 21st Century Worker” project provides students with a series of learning activities that build on their prior knowledge of AI applications to explore how AI technologies might impact school and work life, now and in the future. Through videos, simulations, class discussions, research, and a little imagination, students will learn that all applications of artificial intelligence come with trade-offs and that it will take diversity, inclusion, and unbiased decision-making to foster a positive and ethical impact of AI on society.

Key Features of This Assignment

Ethical Considerations
Students examine the ethical implications of AI, including bias and equity, fostering critical thinking about the moral aspects of AI in society.
Diverse Perspectives
Students explore the importance of diversity in AI development, learning how varied viewpoints contribute to more inclusive and fair AI technologies.
Future Workforce Skills
Students predict how AI will change the workforce and identify essential skills for future jobs, enhancing their understanding of career readiness in a tech-driven world.