AI-Powered vs. Human Translators

This assignment is from Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide for Electives Teachers, on the ISTE website. The summary from the site explains:

In this hands-on project, students work independently or in pairs to translate text (words, phrases, paragraphs) into a target language and parse those translations to determine the accuracy of at least two AI-powered translators. Then they engage in a live conversation with a fluent speaker of another language other than English using the translator they have identified as being most reliable. The purpose of this project is to help students develop an understanding of how AI-powered translators function, make determinations and predictions about their accuracy, and use a translator to carry on a conversation with someone fluent in a language other than English. It is also a way to involve students in exploring how AI benefits translation and when it is a better choice not to use AI.

Key Features of This Assignment

Comparative Analysis
Students compare and contrast translations produced by AI tools and human translators, enhancing their analytical and critical thinking skills in evaluating translation quality.
Real-Time Application
Students use AI-powered translators to engage in live conversations, requiring them to prepare, execute, and assess the accuracy of real-time language translation, which involves detailed and reflective writing.
Evaluation Writing
Students write detailed evaluations of AI translation tools, including their effectiveness, usability, and potential applications, improving their technical writing and critical analysis skills.