How AI Bias Impacts Our Lives

This challenge assignment is from Common Sense Education. You must register on the website to access this lesson plan.

The summary from the site explains:

Just like people, artificial intelligence tools can make mistakes. That could mean simply mistaking tomatoes for apples. But the impacts of AI bias can often be much more serious. AI tools can end up recirculating harmful stereotypes and inequities within society. In this lesson, students will think critically about AI bias and how it affects the world.

Key Features of This Assignment

Critical Thinking
Students analyze scenarios and reflect on the impacts of AI bias, enhancing their critical thinking and analytical writing skills.
Reflective Writing
Students write reflections on the negative impacts of AI bias and suggest ways to mitigate these biases, improving their reflective writing abilities.
Interactive Discussions
Students engage in discussions about AI bias, its effects, and reporting mechanisms, enhancing their verbal and written communication skills.