The Intelligent Piece of Paper

This assignment, by Peter McOwan and Paul Curzon, is from the Computer science activities with a sense of fun from Queen Mary University of London.

The summary from the site explains:

Hold a competition between a human and an artificial intelligence: a “highly intelligent piece of paper.” In this ongoing challenge between the best of humanity and the best of paper-kind, the paper has an unbeaten record. It is yet to lose a game of noughts and crosses [Tic Tac Toe].

Key Features of This Assignment

Interactive Learning
The assignment encourages students to engage with technology by creating interactive paper circuits, combining traditional paper-based materials with modern electronics to enhance learning.
Hands-On Experimentation
Students gain practical experience by constructing their own intelligent paper projects, allowing them to experiment with and understand the principles of electronics and circuit design through hands-on activities.
Creative Problem-Solving
The assignment promotes creativity and problem-solving skills, as students must design and troubleshoot their circuits, fostering innovation and critical thinking in the process.