AI & The Environment

This assignment, by AI4ALL, is from the AI & The Environment Google Drive, which also includes all the related materials for the activity. The assignment includes standards for K12 students, but it can easily be used in the college classroom as well.

The summary from the site explains:

This is a quick, approximately 2-hour introduction to AI. It is meant to excite students and teachers with what AI is capable of, and also what risks it can have, so they are more interested in exploring further.

Key Features of This Assignment

Data Processing and Environmental Impact
This assignment highlights how AI can process large datasets much faster than humans, aiding environmentalists in protecting wildlife. By analyzing camera trap and satellite data, AI helps researchers make informed decisions and conservation plans.
Hands-On Training with AI
Students gain practical experience by training their own machine learning models to classify images. This hands-on approach helps them understand the technical aspects of AI and its applications in environmental conservation.
Exploring Ethical and Environmental Implications
The curriculum discusses the ethical concerns and environmental impacts of AI, including the energy consumption of AI models and their disproportionate effects on marginalized communities. This fosters critical thinking about the broader implications of AI technology.