Developing a Critical Eye

This assignment is from Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide for Secondary Teachers, on the ISTE website. The summary from the site explains:

In this project . . . students will be challenged to learn about several AI-supported tools that are used to create and/or distribute information—both reliable information and disinformation. Class members will work in pairs or small groups to identify important topics in the news, and design 1–2 page plans describing how AI-supported tools could be employed to create and disseminate information campaigns, using both reliable information and disinformation, on those topics. Student teams will share their plans with the class.

Key Features of This Assignment

Critical Thinking
Students develop critical thinking skills by analyzing and evaluating the accuracy and credibility of information created and distributed using AI-supported tools.
Information Literacy
Students enhance their information literacy by learning to differentiate between reliable information and disinformation, understanding the ethical implications of AI-generated content.
Writing and Presentation
Students create detailed plans for information campaigns, developing their writing and presentation skills through the design and evaluation of AI-supported content dissemination strategies.