Evaluate: Bias

This assignment, by Kevin Yee, Kirby Whittington, Erin Doggette, and Laurie Uttich, is from the book ChatGPT Assignments to Use in Your Classroom Today.

The summary from the site explains:

Assign students to prompt ChatGPT to provide a detailed output (ideally on a topic you pre-select), then require them to evaluate to what extent the software’s answer might contain bias.

Key Features of This Assignment

Bias Detection and Analysis
Students prompt ChatGPT to provide a detailed output on a pre-selected topic and evaluate the extent to which the response may contain bias. This exercise helps students recognize and understand how biases can manifest in AI-generated content.
Critical Evaluation Skills
Students develop critical evaluation skills by assessing AI outputs for biases, assumptions, and stereotypes. This process involves a deep analysis of the content to identify any underlying prejudices, helping to cultivate a discerning approach to AI-generated information.
Understanding AI and Human Bias
This assignment highlights the relationship between AI and human biases, emphasizing that AI systems like ChatGPT are trained on human-generated data and may reproduce existing biases. Students learn the importance of addressing these biases to ensure ethical and responsible use of AI technologies.