Evaluate: Logical Fallacies

This assignment, by Kevin Yee, Kirby Whittington, Erin Doggette, and Laurie Uttich, is from the book ChatGPT Assignments to Use in Your Classroom Today.

The summary from the site explains:

Direct students to create an argument in ChatGPT, then identify any logical fallacies.

Key Features of This Assignment

Identification of Logical Fallacies
Students create arguments using ChatGPT and identify any logical fallacies present in the generated content. This process helps students recognize common fallacies such as straw man, post hoc, slippery slope, hasty generalization, and false dichotomy.
Critical Analysis and Explanation
Students provide a detailed explanation of how the identified logical fallacies occurred and suggest ways to prevent them. This exercise reinforces critical thinking and helps students understand the importance of logical coherence in argumentation.
Integration with Course Material
This assignment integrates seamlessly with existing course material on logical fallacies, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical context. It enhances their ability to critically assess and refine arguments generated by AI.