Evaluate: Soundness of the Argument

This assignment, by Kevin Yee, Kirby Whittington, Erin Doggette, and Laurie Uttich, is from the book ChatGPT Assignments to Use in Your Classroom Today.

The summary from the site explains:

Create a student task to evaluate ChatGPT’s argument for its flow and logic.

Key Features of This Assignment

Evaluation of Argument Structure
Students are tasked with evaluating the flow and logic of arguments generated by ChatGPT. They must determine if the structure of the argument contains any logical flaws or hasty assumptions, ensuring a critical assessment of the argument’s coherence.
Analysis of Logical Connectives
Students analyze how facts are assembled into an argument, focusing on the validity of the connective logic. They are encouraged to look beyond the individual facts and assess whether the conclusions drawn are logically supported by the premises.
Assessment of Argument Warrants
Students evaluate the warrants, or underlying assumptions, that support the arguments generated by ChatGPT. This involves examining whether these assumptions are justified and if they appropriately support the given statements.