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Writing: Holistic Editing

ChatGPT helps students adopt a holistic approach to editing by checking for grammatical errors, consistency, tone, style, and structure, ensuring a thorough review of their work.

Writing: Improve Prose

Using ChatGPT, students receive sample essays of varying quality, with annotations explaining what makes each essay poor, good, or excellent, helping them understand the standards for their writing. ChatGPT suggests specific improvements and helps students develop their writing skills in standard academic English or the required language.

Writing: Analyze Readability and Tone

Using ChatGPT as part of a triangle peer review system provides an additional layer of feedback, ensuring essays are reviewed for readability, clarity, and tone with unbiased, factual responses.

Writing: Grammar and Syntax Check

ChatGPT checks for grammatical errors, sentence structure, and other writing elements in a single output, streamlining the proofreading process for students.

Writing: Burstiness

ChatGPT helps students improve their writing by increasing the variability of word choice and sentence structure, making their prose more engaging and sophisticated.

Writing: Perplexity

Students use ChatGPT to overcome writer’s block by filling in incomplete thoughts and generating ideas, making the writing process smoother and less intimidating.

Writing: Improve Transitions

ChatGPT helps create interactive games that teach students how to use transitions effectively, transforming learning from a traditional mode into a fun, game-based activity.

Writing: Improve Topic Sentences

Students use ChatGPT to generate and refine topic sentences based on their thesis statement and key points, ensuring clarity and direction in their writing.

Writing: First Draft

Students use ChatGPT to create an outline and then build their first draft, ensuring they have a clear structure with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Writing: Create Counterarguments

Students use ChatGPT to simulate debates, helping them understand and develop counterarguments, which enhances their critical thinking and argumentation skills.

Writing: Generate an Outline

ChatGPT helps students organize their ideas into a coherent outline, providing a solid framework for their writing and ensuring all key points are logically ordered.

Writing: Further Develop the Thesis

Students practice refining their thesis statements by using ChatGPT as a sounding board, encouraging iterative improvements from initial ideas to more complex arguments.

Writing: Generate a Thesis

ChatGPT provides students with potential thesis ideas, helping them brainstorm and refine their own arguments while learning to avoid direct copy-pasting to maintain academic integrity.

Writing: Overcoming Writer’s Block

ChatGPT helps students overcome writer’s block by generating an initial draft of an opening paragraph, allowing students to focus on revising and refining rather than starting from scratch.

Writing: Brainstorming a Topic

ChatGPT helps students break down complex topics into smaller, manageable sub-components, aiding in the generation of a clear thesis and logical argument flow across paragraphs.

Analyze: Quantitative Analysis

ChatGPT helps students break down complex topics into smaller, manageable sub-components, aiding in the generation of a clear thesis and logical argument flow across paragraphs. Students in professional writing courses can use these skills as they write memos and reports.

Analyze: Qualitative Analysis

Students utilize ChatGPT to identify repetitions, themes, and categories in texts, leveraging its ability to recognize synonyms and related concepts, even with varied diction.

Analyze: Convert to Conversational Language

Students use ChatGPT to convert complex academic texts into conversational language, making challenging concepts more accessible and understandable. By practicing with ChatGPT, students enhance their ability to explain research and projects to non-experts.

Revising LLM Text to (Re)Discover Rhetoric

This assignment encourages students to revise AI-generated text to make it more rhetorical, focusing on purpose, audience, and persuasion, thus enhancing their understanding and application of rhetorical principles.

GenAI Chatbot Scenarios in Higher Education

The assignment explores the ethical implications of various AI chatbot scenarios. The activity is designed to be conducted in groups, promoting collaborative learning and diverse viewpoints in discussing the ethical considerations of AI technologies.

AI & Deepfakes

This activity provides a thorough introduction to deepfakes, including definitions, how they work, and their impact on society, making it accessible even for those with no background knowledge. Students then engage in hands-on activities such as detecting deepfakes and creating their own, supplemented by videos and discussions to reinforce learning.