GenAI Platform Privacy Impact Assessment & Remediation
Students conduct a comprehensive analysis of privacy impacts, which involves writing thorough assessments that consider various aspects of data security and user privacy within AI systems.
Teaching Writing Across the Curriculum with AI
Writing Across the Curriculum Assignments, Classroom Activities, and Educational Resources for Higher Education
Students conduct a comprehensive analysis of privacy impacts, which involves writing thorough assessments that consider various aspects of data security and user privacy within AI systems.
Students reflect on ethical considerations in the context of communication and technology by comparing ideas in an Immanual Kant essay to current events related to artificial intelligence.
Students engage in multimodal composition, blending written text with digital images, sounds, and other media forms to create a rich, layered project. Students also conduct in-depth historical research to inform their creative work
Students analyze real-world case studies that illustrate the potential pitfalls and ethical considerations of AI applications, enhancing their understanding of AI’s impact on society.
Students first read and reflect on articles on the social implications of AI and then participate in class discussions of the ethical dilemmas that AI presents. Additional ideas in the chapter include asking students to play with predictive text and to write position statements on the use of AI.
The assignment encourages students to critically evaluate AI tools, considering their benefits and limitations, and developing a nuanced understanding of their impact on the reading process.
This assignment explores the use of generative AI tools in the peer review process, allowing students to leverage AI for providing constructive feedback and enhancing the quality of academic writing.
This collection of activities were part of a series of workshops on AI literacy, touching on tools, prompt writing, and more. The activities can be used individually or as a full series.
This assignment integrates AI tools into the collaborative writing process, includes a research component where students investigate the implications of AI in professional communication, and asks students to use their research findings to create a professional document using AI tools.
Students are provided with a comprehensive overview of artificial intelligence, covering its history, current applications, and future implications, which equips them with a broad understanding of the field.
This assignment highlights how AI can process large datasets much faster than humans, aiding environmentalists in protecting wildlife. By analyzing camera trap and satellite data, AI helps researchers make informed decisions and conservation plans.
The assignment explores the ethical implications of various AI chatbot scenarios. The activity is designed to be conducted in groups, promoting collaborative learning and diverse viewpoints in discussing the ethical considerations of AI technologies.
This policy statement from the National Art Education Association emphasizes the need for ethical and responsible integration of AI tools in the Arts classroom.
This policy, from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, highlights the role of AI in enhancing personalized learning, emphasizing the need for teachers to integrate AI ethically while maintaining their pedagogical and relational expertise.
This policy, from The Modern Language Association (MLA)-Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Joint Task Force on Writing and AI, provides a comprehensive overview of the implications of AI in writing and literature education.
This policy, from the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC), emphasizes maintaining authentic writing experiences, integrating AI tools to complement best practices in Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), and addressing ethical and practical implications of AI use in educational settings.