Generative AI Op-Ed Assignment

Students prompt AI to write a 750-word op-ed, conduct a thorough fact-check and critique, and then rewrite the op-ed with accurate sources and improved arguments.

Writing Humor

Students use ChatGPT to generate an essay based on their original premise, including a specified word count, humor elements, and key details.

AI Literacy: Real-World Cautionary Tales

Students analyze real-world case studies that illustrate the potential pitfalls and ethical considerations of AI applications, enhancing their understanding of AI’s impact on society.

Generate: Elaboration

ChatGPT helps students elaborate on their work by providing step-by-step processes, pros and cons, and compare-and-contrast scenarios, enhancing their understanding and depth of analysis.

Writing: Grammar and Syntax Check

ChatGPT checks for grammatical errors, sentence structure, and other writing elements in a single output, streamlining the proofreading process for students.

Writing: Improve Transitions

ChatGPT helps create interactive games that teach students how to use transitions effectively, transforming learning from a traditional mode into a fun, game-based activity.

Writing: Improve Topic Sentences

Students use ChatGPT to generate and refine topic sentences based on their thesis statement and key points, ensuring clarity and direction in their writing.

Writing: Create Counterarguments

Students use ChatGPT to simulate debates, helping them understand and develop counterarguments, which enhances their critical thinking and argumentation skills.

Writing: Overcoming Writer’s Block

ChatGPT helps students overcome writer’s block by generating an initial draft of an opening paragraph, allowing students to focus on revising and refining rather than starting from scratch.

Revising LLM Text to (Re)Discover Rhetoric

This assignment encourages students to revise AI-generated text to make it more rhetorical, focusing on purpose, audience, and persuasion, thus enhancing their understanding and application of rhetorical principles.

Analyze: Summarize Longer Texts

Students use ChatGPT to summarize longer texts, enabling them to quickly grasp the main ideas and focus on higher-order thinking and deeper analysis.