Search: Narrowing Search Results

The assignment teaches students to use quotation marks and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to narrow down search results effectively, ensuring they receive precise information tailored to their specific needs.

Prompt Engineering: New Chat

By requiring students to start a new chat for unrelated questions, the assignment demonstrates the value of resetting the chat history to obtain unbiased and “pure” responses, teaching them to manage context effectively in AI interactions.

Prompt Engineering: Length

The assignment teaches students to specify the desired length of ChatGPT responses, enabling them to receive information in various formats, from concise summaries to detailed essays, depending on their needs.

Prompt Engineering: Sophistication

The assignment encourages students to specify the level of sophistication in their prompts, allowing them to receive responses that match their desired depth and complexity, whether for beginner or advanced understanding.

Prompt Engineering: Specified Style

The assignment encourages students to engage creatively by asking ChatGPT to deliver explanations or summaries in the style of famous authors or artists, making learning more enjoyable and memorable.

Prompt Engineering: Tone

The assignment allows students to explore and understand different tones by having them generate responses in various styles, such as playful, sarcastic, or authoritative, helping them recognize how tone impacts communication.

Prompt Engineering: Context and Specific Requests

The assignment teaches students to use graduated prompts, starting with broad inquiries and progressively adding more details, helping them understand how specificity impacts the quality and accuracy of ChatGPT’s responses.

Prompt Engineering: Rephrase Prompts

By rephrasing prompts, students learn how different wording can elicit varied responses, leading to a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the subject matter as they explore different angles and perspectives.

Prompt Engineering: Regenerate a Response

Students learn to generate and compare multiple responses from a single prompt, which helps them understand how different approaches and wordings can convey varying perspectives and nuances on the same topic.

Prompt Engineering: Conversation

The assignment introduces students to the technique of prompt chaining, teaching them how to build on previous prompts to extract more detailed and precise information, thereby enhancing their query formulation skills.