Facing Off with Facial Recognition

Through discussions, definitions, and reflective activities, students develop a critical understanding of facial recognition and its impact on privacy, enhancing their analytical and writing skills.

AI Algorithms: How Well Do They Know You?

This lesson plan teaches students about AI recommendation algorithms and their influence on online content. Through videos, discussions, and reflective exercises, students learn how algorithms shape their online experiences and develop critical thinking and writing skills.

How AI Bias Impacts Our Lives

This lesson plan helps students understand the impacts of AI bias on society. Through critical thinking exercises and discussions, students learn about AI bias, its negative effects, and how to address and report these issues.

Understanding AI Bias

This lesson plan helps students understand AI bias through practical exercises and discussions. By exploring training and testing data, students learn how biases can be introduced into AI systems and develop critical thinking and writing skills by analyzing and reflecting on these concepts.

AI Chatbots: Who’s Behind the Screen?

This lesson plan introduces students to AI chatbots, their functionalities, and their real-life applications. Through videos, discussions, and interactive activities, students enhance their understanding of AI chatbots and develop critical writing skills by articulating their knowledge and reflections.

AI’s Impact on the Environment

This activity explores AI’s impact on the environment, asking students to write analytical essays on the environmental costs and benefits of AI technologies.

Uncovering Deepfakes

Students will analyze various examples of deepfakes, discuss their implications, and learn to apply strategies to discern authentic from manipulated content.

Translate Text to Emojis with an AI Chatbot

Students can use AI chatbots and details from this activity to convert text into emoji sequences and vice versa, enhancing their skills in interpreting and conveying meaning through alternative communication methods.

Generative AI Op-Ed Assignment

Students prompt AI to write a 750-word op-ed, conduct a thorough fact-check and critique, and then rewrite the op-ed with accurate sources and improved arguments.

Teaching Students How to Use AI Responsibly

Students input their old essays into AI tools to receive feedback and learn to discern between good and bad advice. They also learn about paraphrasing versus plagiarism.

Using Character Chatbots in English Class

This assignment allows students to engage with AI-generated characters, providing a dynamic method for exploring and understanding character motivations and behaviors.

Sentence Doctor

Students diagnose and correct common sentence problems in their writing by identifying symptoms, understanding errors, proposing remedies, and reflecting on the learning process, with optional use of generative AI tools for assistance.

Date My Topic

Students conduct preliminary research to assess the interest, relevance, and manageability of a chosen topic before committing to a long-term project, by setting criteria, searching for mainstream and scholarly views, and reflecting on how to refine the topic.

AI Literacy: Real-World Cautionary Tales

Students analyze real-world case studies that illustrate the potential pitfalls and ethical considerations of AI applications, enhancing their understanding of AI’s impact on society.

My Summer with ChatGPT

The assignment emphasizes creative storytelling by encouraging students to co-create stories with ChatGPT, and then they document their interactions with AI in a reflective journal, analyzing their learning experiences and the impact of AI on their writing development.