How Is AI Trained?

This lesson plan teaches students how AI is trained using data they share online. Through illustrations, discussions, and real-life examples, students learn the importance of data in AI development and enhance their critical thinking and writing skills.

Facing Off with Facial Recognition

Through discussions, definitions, and reflective activities, students develop a critical understanding of facial recognition and its impact on privacy, enhancing their analytical and writing skills.

Collaborative Research with ChatGPT

Students conduct a rhetorical analysis of the outputs generated by ChatGPT, critically evaluating the AI’s responses and the effectiveness of their own writing in eliciting meaningful and accurate information.

AI Literacy: Real-World Cautionary Tales

Students analyze real-world case studies that illustrate the potential pitfalls and ethical considerations of AI applications, enhancing their understanding of AI’s impact on society.

Generate: Software Coding

Students transform theoretical concepts into practical solutions by using AI tools to generate software code. ChatGPT can provider guidance, explanations, and code generation support. This interactive learning approach encourages problem-solving and helps students create and test their software projects effectively.

AI Classroom Activity: Machine Learning

The assignment provides students with practical experience in machine learning by engaging them in activities that involve training algorithms and analyzing data, making complex concepts more accessible through hands-on application.

The Intelligent Piece of Paper

The assignment encourages students to engage with technology by creating interactive paper circuits, combining traditional paper-based materials with modern electronics to enhance learning.


This assignment serves as a beginner-level programming exercise that introduces students to the concept of iteration using for loops. By writing code that repeats a word or phrase 50,000 times, students gain a fundamental understanding of how loops work in programming.

Deconstructing and Reconstructing Genre and Form with Tracery

Students use the JavaScript library Tracery to create procedural texts that generate new content based on predefined rules and word banks. This approach explores the power of randomness and variability in text generation, akin to advanced Mad Libs.

Different Ways of Narrating with Curveship-js

This assignment helps students grasp core aspects of narrative theory by requiring them to generate multiple variations of an underlying story. Students use Curveship-js, a JavaScript framework, to implement their narrative variations.

Understanding Markov Chains

Students manually apply an algorithm to generate a Markov Chain from a given text extract, providing a concrete and interactive way to understand probabilistic language generation.