AI as Feedback Generator

Students submit their writing to an AI tool to receive feedback on various aspects, such as clarity, coherence, and grammar.

Sentence Doctor

Students diagnose and correct common sentence problems in their writing by identifying symptoms, understanding errors, proposing remedies, and reflecting on the learning process, with optional use of generative AI tools for assistance.

Writing: Holistic Editing

ChatGPT helps students adopt a holistic approach to editing by checking for grammatical errors, consistency, tone, style, and structure, ensuring a thorough review of their work.

Writing: Grammar and Syntax Check

ChatGPT checks for grammatical errors, sentence structure, and other writing elements in a single output, streamlining the proofreading process for students.

AI for Editing

Students use AI-based applications to assist in proofreading and improving their written work, fostering familiarity with modern technological aids in professional writing.