AI as Not-a-Thesaurus

Students use AI as a tool for generating diverse writing styles, analogies, and explanations.

Writing Humor

Students use ChatGPT to generate an essay based on their original premise, including a specified word count, humor elements, and key details.

Genre Generators

Students begin by collaboratively analyzing implementations of text generators, such as Christopher Strachey’s Love Letter Generator. Next, students work in groups to create non-executable conceptual programs designed to produce new instances of chosen genres.

Synthetic Metacognition: Iterating Prompts with GPTs

Students engage in prompt engineering by iteratively refining and tweaking the set of instructions given to a Large Language Model (LLM). Through a collaborative workshop format, students work in groups to analyze the AI’s output, discuss its strengths and weaknesses, and propose improvements.

Deconstructing and Reconstructing Genre and Form with Tracery

Students use the JavaScript library Tracery to create procedural texts that generate new content based on predefined rules and word banks. This approach explores the power of randomness and variability in text generation, akin to advanced Mad Libs.