The 29 AIs of Washington, D.C.

Students explore how AI systems influence government decision-making and their impact on daily life. By creating infographics, students will explain AI’s role in practical decisions and draw conclusions about AI-based decision-making effects.

Study: Summarize Long Articles

Students use ChatGPT to distill complex readings into easily comprehensible language, allowing them to absorb and understand the material more fully. This critical evaluation process hones their analytical skills, ensuring they understand the material deeply and can assess the accuracy and relevance of summaries.

Writing: Analyze Readability and Tone

Using ChatGPT as part of a triangle peer review system provides an additional layer of feedback, ensuring essays are reviewed for readability, clarity, and tone with unbiased, factual responses.

AI for Editing

Students use AI-based applications to assist in proofreading and improving their written work, fostering familiarity with modern technological aids in professional writing.