AI in First Year Writing Courses

The assignment introduces an “AI Standards of Conduct” framework that differentiates between AI-assisted and AI-generated writing. The assignment encourages students to reflect on the ethical implications of using AI in writing.

Teaching Social Identity and Cultural Bias Using AI Text Generation

Students reflect on their personal histories and preferences by participating in an interactive survey. These responses are then analyzed using text generation models to explore how AI interprets and predicts social identities, highlighting the biases and assumptions inherent in AI technology.

The Term Paper Turing Test

Students use accessible language models to generate parts of their term papers. This hands-on experiment helps students explore the capabilities and limitations of AI in writing, as well as the ethical dimensions of using such tools.

Professional Writing for Healthcare

Students select and read medical journal articles, draft summaries, and revise them, allowing for progressive skill development. The assignment incorporates the use of AI writing systems throughout the process.