A Decision Tree to Guide Student AI Use

This activity provides a decision tree model to guide students in responsible AI use for enhancing their learning. It emphasizes critical engagement, iterative use, and transparency in AI interactions, fostering metacognitive reflection and ethical clarity in writing.

AI as Not-a-Grammar-Checker

Students use AI to simulate reader feedback, apply writing theories, and improve student writing beyond basic grammar checks.

AI as Not-a-Thesaurus

Students use AI as a tool for generating diverse writing styles, analogies, and explanations.

Generative AI Op-Ed Assignment

Students prompt AI to write a 750-word op-ed, conduct a thorough fact-check and critique, and then rewrite the op-ed with accurate sources and improved arguments.

AI as Feedback Generator

Students submit their writing to an AI tool to receive feedback on various aspects, such as clarity, coherence, and grammar.

Sentence Doctor

Students diagnose and correct common sentence problems in their writing by identifying symptoms, understanding errors, proposing remedies, and reflecting on the learning process, with optional use of generative AI tools for assistance.

Collaborative Research with ChatGPT

Students conduct a rhetorical analysis of the outputs generated by ChatGPT, critically evaluating the AI’s responses and the effectiveness of their own writing in eliciting meaningful and accurate information.

Rhetorical Prompt Engineering

Students develop their rhetorical analysis skills by examining and creating prompts, learning how to craft questions that elicit thoughtful and effective responses. Their revision work focuses on documents related to the Three Mile Island nuclear disaster.

My Summer with ChatGPT

The assignment emphasizes creative storytelling by encouraging students to co-create stories with ChatGPT, and then they document their interactions with AI in a reflective journal, analyzing their learning experiences and the impact of AI on their writing development.

Generate: Elaboration

ChatGPT helps students elaborate on their work by providing step-by-step processes, pros and cons, and compare-and-contrast scenarios, enhancing their understanding and depth of analysis.

Writing: Holistic Editing

ChatGPT helps students adopt a holistic approach to editing by checking for grammatical errors, consistency, tone, style, and structure, ensuring a thorough review of their work.

Writing: Improve Prose

Using ChatGPT, students receive sample essays of varying quality, with annotations explaining what makes each essay poor, good, or excellent, helping them understand the standards for their writing. ChatGPT suggests specific improvements and helps students develop their writing skills in standard academic English or the required language.

Writing: First Draft

Students use ChatGPT to create an outline and then build their first draft, ensuring they have a clear structure with an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Writing: Overcoming Writer’s Block

ChatGPT helps students overcome writer’s block by generating an initial draft of an opening paragraph, allowing students to focus on revising and refining rather than starting from scratch.

Analyze: Qualitative Analysis

Students utilize ChatGPT to identify repetitions, themes, and categories in texts, leveraging its ability to recognize synonyms and related concepts, even with varied diction.

Revising LLM Text to (Re)Discover Rhetoric

This assignment encourages students to revise AI-generated text to make it more rhetorical, focusing on purpose, audience, and persuasion, thus enhancing their understanding and application of rhetorical principles.

AI for Editing

Students use AI-based applications to assist in proofreading and improving their written work, fostering familiarity with modern technological aids in professional writing.