Decoding an AI Bot’s Chatting Pattern: Text Generating Technology Analysis Assignment

This assignment, by Bhushan Aryal & Ordner W. Taylor, is from the TextGenEd collection in the WAC Clearinghouse Repository.

The abstract from the site explains:

This 4-week assignment asks advanced undergraduate students to hold a sustained ‘conversation’ on a topic with an AI chatbot to decode the pattern, limitations and possibilities of the AI-based writing technology. Students analyze their conversation, write a report, and make an oral presentation. The assignment provides writing faculty a wide window to teach almost any issue of interest in AI writing while offering students an immersive, analytical, and writing experience.

Key Features of This Assignment

Comprehensive Analysis of AI Chatbots
Students engage in sustained conversations with AI chatbots like ChatGPT, analyzing the bots’ writing and thinking patterns. This process involves evaluating the chatbot’s accuracy, contextuality, and creativity, providing a deep understanding of AI’s capabilities and limitations as a writing tool.
Ethical Considerations and Implications
The assignment prompts students to consider the ethical implications of using AI chatbots, including issues related to plagiarism, authorship, and the potential displacement of human labor. This critical reflection helps students understand the broader impacts of AI on writing and society.
Integration of Research and Presentation Skills
Students not only analyze their interactions with the chatbot but also conduct further research on an identified issue, write a detailed report, and present their findings orally. This multifaceted approach enhances their research, writing, and presentation skills, making the learning process comprehensive and practical.