Highway to Autonomy

This assignment is from The AI Education Project. You must register on the website to access the teacher guide and the student guide on their Google Docs site.

The summary from the site explains that in this activity, students will do the following:

  • Explore AV [Autonomous vehicles] technology, benefits, and ethical concerns.
  • Analyze and compare state-level AV legislation.
  • Create a policy proposal addressing an AV concern and advocate for it.

Key Features of This Assignment

Policy Proposal Writing
Students research and write a detailed policy proposal, developing skills in structured writing, critical thinking, and persuasive communication.
Comparative Analysis
Students analyze and compare state-level AV legislation, enhancing their ability to evaluate and synthesize complex information for written reports.
Ethical Argumentation
By exploring ethical considerations, students learn to articulate balanced arguments regarding the implications of AV technology, improving their ability to write thoughtful and well-supported essays.