Cake-Making Analogy for Setting Generative AI Guidelines/Ethics

This assignment, by Maha Bali, is from the the book Teaching and Generative AI.

The summary from the site explains:

This is a lesson plan that offers metaphor as an innovative approach to teaching about the ethical use of generative AI. The cake-making analogy equates different ways of acquiring a cake (baking from scratch, using a readymade mix from a box, buying from a bakery or buying preserved cake from a supermarket) with varying degrees of reliance on AI as a shortcut for tasks or assignments. The lesson invites participants (who may be students or teachers) to critically consider the implications of each mode, examining factors such as quality, time, cost, and personal investment. This analogy is then applied to generative AI, prompting discussions on essential learning outcomes of a course or of a particular assignment, quality of output, learning process, and the ethical considerations of AI use. The lesson plan concludes by collaboratively developing guidelines for responsible AI usage in different contexts. This analogy has been used effectively with students and educators alike, encouraging thoughtful conversations about the role of AI in learning and its potential to either support or hinder the educational process.

Key Features of This Assignment

Engaging Analogy
The assignment uses the cake-making analogy to explain the importance of setting guidelines and ethics for generative AI, making complex concepts more relatable and understandable for students.
Ethical Considerations
The assignment emphasizes the importance of ethics in AI by encouraging students to think critically about the implications and responsibilities of using generative AI in their work.
Practical Application
Students create their own guidelines for generative AI, providing a hands-on approach to understanding and applying ethical principles in real-world scenarios.