Collaborative Writing and AI: A Research Assignment for an Undergraduate Professional Communication Course

This assignment, by Beth Buyserie, is from the the book Teaching and Generative AI.

The summary from the site explains:

This chapter contextualizes and describes a collaborative AI research assignment for an in-person 2000-level Professional Communication general education course. This “Collaborative Writing and AI” assignment asks teams of students to 1) conduct their own secondary research on a specific topic connected to AI, 2) conduct primary research using AI itself, and 3) make recommendations to their peers and future colleagues in the profession or community on how to navigate and respond to a range of interdisciplinary conversations and perspectives on the technology.

Key Features of This Assignment

Integration of AI in Collaborative Writing
This assignment integrates AI tools into the collaborative writing process, allowing students to explore how AI can support and enhance team-based writing projects in a professional context.
Research Component
The assignment includes a research component where students investigate the implications of AI in professional communication, fostering their ability to gather, analyze, and synthesize information from various sources.
Practical Application
Students apply their research findings to create a professional document using AI tools, bridging theory and practice and demonstrating their ability to utilize technology in real-world communication scenarios.