Developing Media and Information Literacy through Dialogues about AI

This assignment, by Rosa Thornley and Dory Rosenberg, is from the the book Teaching and Generative AI.

The summary from the site explains:

Inviting students to dialogue about Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help to develop media and information literacy. Instead of establishing restrictive policies, we present a method for instructor-facilitated dialogues to teach students to analyze, evaluate, and interact with generative language models. This recursive inquiry process causes students to critically think about the spectrum of AI capabilities and limitations. Practicing this inquiry habit over time directs students towards intuitively questioning the AI which leads them to govern their own choices when they become rhetorically aware of emerging technologies and how it will affect their own research and writing. For instructors in higher education, the dialogue provides space to better understand how students are engaging with AI which will improve teaching pedagogies in anticipation of future innovation. This chapter provides the framework for these dialogues, along with a lesson plan that can be adapted and implemented across disciplines.

Key Features of This Assignment

Dialogues About AI
This assignment encourages students to engage in meaningful dialogues about artificial intelligence, fostering a deeper understanding of its implications and applications.
Media and Information Literacy Development
It focuses on developing students‘ media and information literacy skills, helping them critically assess the information they encounter in various media formats.
Collaborative Learning
The assignment promotes collaborative learning by involving students in group discussions and activities, enhancing their ability to work together and learn from each other.