Assign Students to Generate Visual Summaries

This assignment is from the Getting Started with AI-Enhanced Teaching: A Practical Guide for Instructors website, by MIT Sloan Teaching & Learning Technologies. The activity asks students to generate visual summaries of specific topics using AI tools. It enhances comprehension by combining verbal and visual information, fostering creativity, and promoting critical thinking as students evaluate and refine AI-generated images.

Key Features of This Assignment

Visual and Verbal Integration
Students combine text and AI-generated images to summarize topics, enhancing comprehension through dual coding of verbal and visual information.
Creativity and Critical Thinking
This activity fosters creativity and critical thinking as students evaluate the relevance and accuracy of AI-generated visuals, refining them to better illustrate key concepts.
Conceptual Understanding
The focus on creating visual summaries helps deepen students’ conceptual understanding, as they need to identify and highlight the main points of the assigned topics.