Facial Recognition for Good, Evil, & Everything in Between

This assignment is from The AI Education Project. You must register on the website to access the teacher guide and the student guide on their Google Docs site.

The summary from the site explains:

The same AI technology can be used for both good or evil, and to enforce rules or promote individuality, depending on how it is used in the real world. [In this activity, students learn how to e]xplain how a technology can be used to benefit or harm humans [and examine] the pervasive use of facial recognition in modern society.

Key Features of This Assignment

Research and Analysis
Students investigate various facial recognition technologies, enhancing their ability to gather, evaluate, and synthesize information for writing and discussion.
Ethical Argumentation
By categorizing technologies on an alignment chart, students practice forming and articulating balanced arguments regarding the moral implications of technology use.
Presentation Skills
Students present their alignment charts, improving their written and oral communication skills by clearly conveying complex ideas to their peers.