Genre Generators

This assignment, by Addison Eldin, is from the TextGenEd collection in the WAC Clearinghouse Repository.

The abstract from the site explains:

This activity asks students to analyze and create *genre generators*, which are text generators that use the computer to create new instances of a formal written genre. After the instructor introduces the concept through a collaborative analysis of implementations of Christopher Strachey’s *Love Letter Generator*, students then work in groups to produce non-executable conceptual programs that would produce new instances of genres they have chosen. The instructor then enacts a selection of the programs in code and leads another collaborative analysis exercise in order to highlight the rhetorical and social dimensions of the decisions that students made in the process of automation via a digital computer. By emphasizing the programming process and not asking students to code, students can develop a better understanding of how computer programs mediate digital technology and human understanding of the world.

Key Features of This Assignment

Collaborative Analysis of Text Generators
Students begin by collaboratively analyzing implementations of text generators, such as Christopher Strachey’s Love Letter Generator. This initial analysis helps students understand how text generation works and the rhetorical elements involved in creating genre-specific texts.
Creation of Conceptual Programs
Students work in groups to create non-executable conceptual programs designed to produce new instances of chosen genres. This process emphasizes the creative and analytical aspects of genre generation without requiring prior coding knowledge, making it accessible to a wide range of students.
Instructor-Led Coding Implementation
The instructor enacts selected student programs in code and presents the outputs back to the class. This step allows students to see their conceptual programs come to life and understand the connection between their designs and the resulting texts, enhancing their comprehension of the programming process and its rhetorical implications.