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Student Guide for AI Use

This resource “helps students understand how and when to use these [AI] tools wisely and responsibly.” by using a flowchart of possible uses and their academic appropriateness.

The Five “S” Model

Following the 5 “S” Model, students write prompts designed to elicit detailed and relevant responses from AI, enhancing their understanding of prompt engineering and its impact on communication clarity and content quality.

AI’s Impact on the Environment

This activity explores AI’s impact on the environment, asking students to write analytical essays on the environmental costs and benefits of AI technologies.

Uncovering Deepfakes

Students will analyze various examples of deepfakes, discuss their implications, and learn to apply strategies to discern authentic from manipulated content.

Create a Bloom’s Taxonomy with an AI Chatbot

The strategy helps teachers identify Bloom’s Taxonomy goals for a project. They can then use the goals to give students feedback on their projects, helping them develop higher-order thinking and writing skills.

Create Authentic Assessments Using an AI Chatbot

The strategy uses authentic assessments to give students feedback on projects, emphasizing practical relevance, encouraging critical thinking, and providing opportunities for reflective learning.

Create Quizzes, with and without Content, Using an AI Chatbot

This assessment strategy uses quizzes to give students feedback on their understanding and retention of key concepts. It focuses on reinforcing learning through immediate feedback, identifying areas for improvement, and promoting mastery of relevant skills.

Create Rubrics with an AI Chatbot

This strategy demonstrates how teachers can create rubrics with AI to give students detailed feedback on their projects. It focuses on providing specific, actionable feedback, promoting self-assessment, and encouraging continuous improvement in students’ writing skills.

Help With Model UN/Model Congress Drafts Using an AI Chatbot

Students participate in a simulated Model UN or Model Congress, where they draft and debate resolutions. The activity emphasizes persuasive writing, research skills, and the ability to articulate and defend positions clearly and effectively.

Translate Text to Emojis with an AI Chatbot

Students can use AI chatbots and details from this activity to convert text into emoji sequences and vice versa, enhancing their skills in interpreting and conveying meaning through alternative communication methods.

Break Down Goals Into Objectives with an AI Chatbot

Students break their writing goals down into manageable objectives using AI tools. The activity encourages detailed planning and organization, enabling students to tackle complex writing tasks with a clear, step-by-step approach.

Generate SMART Goals with an AI Chatbot

This activity helps students create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for their writing projects, enhancing their planning and execution of writing tasks.

Critiquing Generative AI in Technology and Culture

Students experiment with generative AI and critically evaluate its limitations and implications on academic work. Through this process, students learn to distinguish between reliable and fabricated sources.

Identifying AI Errors

Students will identify inaccuracies in ChatGPT’s responses and provide corrections, enhancing their understanding of disciplinary concepts.

Generative AI Op-Ed Assignment

Students prompt AI to write a 750-word op-ed, conduct a thorough fact-check and critique, and then rewrite the op-ed with accurate sources and improved arguments.