The 29 AIs of Washington, D.C.

Students explore how AI systems influence government decision-making and their impact on daily life. By creating infographics, students will explain AI’s role in practical decisions and draw conclusions about AI-based decision-making effects.

Help With Model UN/Model Congress Drafts Using an AI Chatbot

Students participate in a simulated Model UN or Model Congress, where they draft and debate resolutions. The activity emphasizes persuasive writing, research skills, and the ability to articulate and defend positions clearly and effectively.

Using Character Chatbots in English Class

This assignment allows students to engage with AI-generated characters, providing a dynamic method for exploring and understanding character motivations and behaviors.

Writing Imagery: Multimodal AIs in History and Digital Art

Students engage in multimodal composition, blending written text with digital images, sounds, and other media forms to create a rich, layered project. Students also conduct in-depth historical research to inform their creative work

Wrestling with A.I.

Students first read and reflect on articles on the social implications of AI and then participate in class discussions of the ethical dilemmas that AI presents. Additional ideas in the chapter include asking students to play with predictive text and to write position statements on the use of AI.

Creating Constitutions with ChatGPT

Students work collaboratively in groups to draft their constitutions, fostering teamwork and communication skills while allowing them to benefit from diverse perspectives and ideas.