Learn about Generative AI

This webpage provides guidance on using AI features in Google Search to enhance writing and research. It covers how AI can help generate creative content, improve research efficiency, and provide detailed answers to complex questions, making it a valuable resource for enhancing writing skills.


Students engage in a creative “Prompt-a-thon” to explore AI-generated writing prompts that focus on wicked problems facing the local community.

Create a Bloom’s Taxonomy with an AI Chatbot

The strategy helps teachers identify Bloom’s Taxonomy goals for a project. They can then use the goals to give students feedback on their projects, helping them develop higher-order thinking and writing skills.

Create Authentic Assessments Using an AI Chatbot

The strategy uses authentic assessments to give students feedback on projects, emphasizing practical relevance, encouraging critical thinking, and providing opportunities for reflective learning.

Revising LLM Text to (Re)Discover Rhetoric

This assignment encourages students to revise AI-generated text to make it more rhetorical, focusing on purpose, audience, and persuasion, thus enhancing their understanding and application of rhetorical principles.

GenAI Chatbot Scenarios in Higher Education

The assignment explores the ethical implications of various AI chatbot scenarios. The activity is designed to be conducted in groups, promoting collaborative learning and diverse viewpoints in discussing the ethical considerations of AI technologies.

AI & Deepfakes

This activity provides a thorough introduction to deepfakes, including definitions, how they work, and their impact on society, making it accessible even for those with no background knowledge. Students then engage in hands-on activities such as detecting deepfakes and creating their own, supplemented by videos and discussions to reinforce learning.

Analyze: Critique and Interpret

The assignment helps students develop their interpretation skills by engaging with ChatGPT to analyze the structure, themes, and arguments of a text, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of various texts.

Analyze: Find the Needle in the Haystack

Students develop their ability to craft precise queries for AI tools, learning how to effectively ask for specific pieces of information and improve their research efficiency in handling extensive texts.

Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics Teaching

This policy, from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, highlights the role of AI in enhancing personalized learning, emphasizing the need for teachers to integrate AI ethically while maintaining their pedagogical and relational expertise.

MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing and AI Working Paper

This policy, from The Modern Language Association (MLA)-Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Joint Task Force on Writing and AI, provides a comprehensive overview of the implications of AI in writing and literature education.

Professional Writing for Healthcare

Students select and read medical journal articles, draft summaries, and revise them, allowing for progressive skill development. The assignment incorporates the use of AI writing systems throughout the process.