AI as Not-a-Grammar-Checker

Students use AI to simulate reader feedback, apply writing theories, and improve student writing beyond basic grammar checks.

AI as Not-a-Thesaurus

Students use AI as a tool for generating diverse writing styles, analogies, and explanations.

The Five “S” Model

Following the 5 “S” Model, students write prompts designed to elicit detailed and relevant responses from AI, enhancing their understanding of prompt engineering and its impact on communication clarity and content quality.

Writing Humor

Students use ChatGPT to generate an essay based on their original premise, including a specified word count, humor elements, and key details.

AI as Feedback Generator

Students submit their writing to an AI tool to receive feedback on various aspects, such as clarity, coherence, and grammar.

Sentence Doctor

Students diagnose and correct common sentence problems in their writing by identifying symptoms, understanding errors, proposing remedies, and reflecting on the learning process, with optional use of generative AI tools for assistance.

Generative AI: The Voice of the Other

Students compare their own writing with AI-generated texts to understand their unique writing voice, identify differences in vocabulary, tone, and style, and apply this knowledge to enhance their writing authenticity.

Study: Find Elusive Terms

By demonstrating how to use ChatGPT to retrieve forgotten terms, students learn valuable memory retrieval techniques. They understand how to describe the features of the term they are trying to recall, which helps in better communication and cognitive processing.

Generate: Social Media Posts

This assignment teaches students to generate social media posts tailored to specific audiences. By understanding the tone and style of various platforms, students can create content that effectively communicates key concepts to targeted demographics.

Writing: Holistic Editing

ChatGPT helps students adopt a holistic approach to editing by checking for grammatical errors, consistency, tone, style, and structure, ensuring a thorough review of their work.

Writing: Burstiness

ChatGPT helps students improve their writing by increasing the variability of word choice and sentence structure, making their prose more engaging and sophisticated.

Prompt Engineering: Rephrase Prompts

By rephrasing prompts, students learn how different wording can elicit varied responses, leading to a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the subject matter as they explore different angles and perspectives.