Design an AI Agent

This assignment is from Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom: A Guide for Electives Teachers, on the ISTE website. The summary from the site explains:

The purpose of this unplugged project is to give students opportunities to consider what AI agents need to be able to do to effectively interact with humans within the context of fields such as the arts, foreign languages, or physical education. In this project, students explore how AI agents are currently being used in a discipline addressed in this guide. Then they work independently or in groups to identify a task or challenge related to the discipline and design an intelligent agent people could interact with in a natural fashion to complete that task or meet that challenge.

Key Features of This Assignment

Understanding AI Applications
Students research and explain how AI agents are currently used in a specific field of study, enhancing their knowledge of AI applications and their impact on various disciplines.
PEAS Representation
Students use the PEAS (Performance, Environment, Actuators, Sensors) framework to describe the components of their AI agent, which helps in structuring their writing and technical descriptions effectively.
Creative and Technical Writing
The project requires students to produce a detailed written description and visual representation of their AI agent, fostering skills in both creative and technical writing.