This assignment, by Kevin Yee, Kirby Whittington, Erin Doggette, and Laurie Uttich, is from the book ChatGPT Assignments to Use in Your Classroom Today.
The summary from the site explains:
Encourage students to use ChatGPT to absorb complex readings more fully.
Key Features of This Assignment
- Enhanced Comprehension
- This assignment encourages students to use ChatGPT to distill complex readings into easily comprehensible language, allowing them to absorb and understand the material more fully. Summarizing key points helps students engage with the content more effectively and improves retention.
- Adaptability and Customization
- By prompting ChatGPT to adjust readability levels, translate concepts into layperson’s terms, or change the intended audience, students learn to tailor information to specific needs. This adaptability helps them better grasp and communicate complex ideas in various contexts.
- Critical Evaluation
- Students are tasked with evaluating AI-generated summaries based on their interpretation of the article’s key points. This critical evaluation process hones their analytical skills, ensuring they understand the material deeply and can assess the accuracy and relevance of summaries.
Find the full version of this resource on the University of Central Florida OER repository.