Variation in the Writing Outputs of First-year Writing Students and Generative AI

This assignment, by Kayode Victor Amusan, is from the TextGenEd January 2024 Continuing Experiments collection in the WAC Clearinghouse Repository.

The abstract from the site explains:

The assignment explores the writing pattern of text generation technologies (such as ChatGPT) and how they vary from human writing. It compares the writing outcomes of undergraduate students and Gen AI. The task charges the first-writing-students to write a short story about ‘love’ and compares their outcomes with that of Gen AI using same prompt. This attempt is a forensic stylistic approach meant to establish the storytelling pattern that is unique to text generation technologies and how they vary from human writing.

Key Features of This Assignment

Comparative Analysis of Writing Outputs
Students compare their writing to that generated by AI, analyzing differences in style, coherence, and quality.
Understanding Generative AI Capabilities
The assignment helps students learn about the capabilities and limitations of generative AI by examining its outputs in various writing tasks.
Reflective Writing Component
Students discuss their insights and learnings from the comparative analysis in a reflection, emphasizing the role of human creativity and critical thinking in writing.