Interspecies Communication App

This assignment is from The AI Education Project. You must register on the website to access the teacher guide and the student guide on their Google Docs site.

The summary from the site explains that in this activity, students will do the following:

  • Explain how AI is being utilized to decode animal communication.
  • Design a mobile app prototype for interspecies communication.
  • Identify the potential benefits and limitations of using AI to facilitate communication between humans and animals.

Key Features of This Assignment

Mobile App Prototype Design
Students design a mobile app prototype, enhancing their technical writing skills by creating detailed specifications and descriptions for their app concept.
Research and Analysis
Students explore how AI is used to decode animal communication, improving their ability to gather, evaluate, and synthesize information for written reports.
Speculative AI Writing
Students engage in speculative writing by imagining future AI developments and their applications, fostering creative thinking and innovative problem-solving skills.