Facing Off with Facial Recognition

Through discussions, definitions, and reflective activities, students develop a critical understanding of facial recognition and its impact on privacy, enhancing their analytical and writing skills.

Design an AI Agent

This project guides students in designing an AI agent to effectively interact with humans in various disciplines. They will explore the current use of AI in specific fields and develop their own AI agents to address real-world tasks or challenges.

Create an AI Expert Guessing Game

This project helps students understand how subject-matter experts classify information and how AI can perform similar classifications to solve real-world problems. By creating a guessing game, students synthesize knowledge from their coursework, making it a great tool for review and end-of-unit synthesis.

Collaborative Research with ChatGPT

Students conduct a rhetorical analysis of the outputs generated by ChatGPT, critically evaluating the AI’s responses and the effectiveness of their own writing in eliciting meaningful and accurate information.

How GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) Work

This activity provides an interactive and engaging approach where students can play with AI tools and explore GANs and discrimnators through activities like a password guessing game and painting with a generator.

Generate: Software Coding

Students transform theoretical concepts into practical solutions by using AI tools to generate software code. ChatGPT can provider guidance, explanations, and code generation support. This interactive learning approach encourages problem-solving and helps students create and test their software projects effectively.

The Intelligent Piece of Paper

The assignment encourages students to engage with technology by creating interactive paper circuits, combining traditional paper-based materials with modern electronics to enhance learning.