The 29 AIs of Washington, D.C.

Students explore how AI systems influence government decision-making and their impact on daily life. By creating infographics, students will explain AI’s role in practical decisions and draw conclusions about AI-based decision-making effects.

Picturing the Future of Medicine

Students envision the future of medicine through AI innovation by creating a virtual vision board. They will explore how AI has augmented the field of medicine and predict future developments.

Interview with ChatGPT

Students explore the abilities and limitations of AI chatbots like ChatGPT through creating and recording a podcast interview. Students will analyze the role of AI in information-providing contexts and compare it with human expertise.

Interspecies Communication App

This activity involves students exploring AI’s potential in decoding animal communication and designing a mobile app prototype for interspecies communication.

Highway to Autonomy

This activity involves students exploring the technology, benefits, and ethical concerns of autonomous vehicles (AVs). Through research and analysis, students will create a policy proposal addressing a specific AV concern and advocate for their proposal.

Facial Recognition for Good, Evil, & Everything in Between

This activity explores the dual-use nature of AI facial recognition technology through research and creative categorization. Students will develop critical writing skills by analyzing and presenting the ethical implications and societal impact of facial recognition.

Deepfake PSA

This activity engages students in understanding and addressing the impact of AI-generated deepfakes through creating a press release. The focus is on developing fact-based, balanced written communication aimed at educating the general public about deepfakes.

Artificial Common Sense

This activity involves students debating the role of common sense in AI and its importance in decision-making. Through structured debates, students will explore and argue different perspectives on AI’s capabilities and limitations, enhancing their critical thinking and persuasive writing skills.

Help Students Think More Deeply With ChatGPT

This assignment guides students in using ChatGPT to enhance their critical thinking skills. It encourages them to engage deeply with content, ask insightful questions, and analyze AI-generated responses for accuracy and relevance.

AI-Powered vs. Human Translators

This project helps students compare AI-powered translators with human translation accuracy and apply these tools in real-time conversations. They will develop an understanding of AI in language processing and evaluate its effectiveness in facilitating communication.

AI and Art

This project engages students in exploring artistic styles and how AI neural networks can learn and apply these styles to create new artwork. Through this activity, students enhance their understanding of AI, machine learning, and artistic expression.

Design an AI Agent

This project guides students in designing an AI agent to effectively interact with humans in various disciplines. They will explore the current use of AI in specific fields and develop their own AI agents to address real-world tasks or challenges.

Create an AI Expert Guessing Game

This project helps students understand how subject-matter experts classify information and how AI can perform similar classifications to solve real-world problems. By creating a guessing game, students synthesize knowledge from their coursework, making it a great tool for review and end-of-unit synthesis.

Laws for AI

Students research ethical business practices, learn about Asimov’s Laws of Robotics, examine the societal impact of AI, and develop their own laws for AI.

Using AI to Solve Environmental Problems

Students explore AI applications for addressing environmental challenges. They learn about AI’s role in sustainability and propose AI-powered solutions to local environmental issues, enhancing their research, critical thinking, and presentation skills.

Developing a Critical Eye

This project teaches students to critically evaluate information in the age of AI to identify, create, and disseminate information and disinformation.

The Trade-Offs of AI Technology

Students examine the benefits and drawbacks of various AI technologies by exploring ethical considerations, stakeholder impacts, and personal implications of AI use.

AI Chatbots

This project introduces students to how AI chatbots work, focusing on natural language processing. Students learn to develop chatbot models for subject-specific tasks, enhancing their understanding of AI’s role in communication and task automation.

AI and the 21st Century Worker

This project engages students in exploring how AI technologies impact school and work life. Through various activities, students learn about AI’s ethical implications, the importance of diversity in AI development, and future workforce skills.

Using AI to Explain a Concept

This activity involves students using AI tools like ChatGPT to explain concepts, receiving instant feedback, and refining their understanding.

Co-Creating an AI Policy

The activity engages students in exploring the ethical considerations and policy implications of AI technology.

Interview a Chatbot

This activity introduces students to AI and its applications in writing as they interview a chatbot to learn more about how the AI tool works.


Students engage in a creative “Prompt-a-thon” to explore AI-generated writing prompts that focus on wicked problems facing the local community.