Picturing the Future of Medicine

Students envision the future of medicine through AI innovation by creating a virtual vision board. They will explore how AI has augmented the field of medicine and predict future developments.

Facial Recognition for Good, Evil, & Everything in Between

This activity explores the dual-use nature of AI facial recognition technology through research and creative categorization. Students will develop critical writing skills by analyzing and presenting the ethical implications and societal impact of facial recognition.

Learn about Generative AI

This webpage provides guidance on using AI features in Google Search to enhance writing and research. It covers how AI can help generate creative content, improve research efficiency, and provide detailed answers to complex questions, making it a valuable resource for enhancing writing skills.

AI and Art

This project engages students in exploring artistic styles and how AI neural networks can learn and apply these styles to create new artwork. Through this activity, students enhance their understanding of AI, machine learning, and artistic expression.

Uncovering Deepfakes

Students will analyze various examples of deepfakes, discuss their implications, and learn to apply strategies to discern authentic from manipulated content.

Writing Imagery: Multimodal AIs in History and Digital Art

Students engage in multimodal composition, blending written text with digital images, sounds, and other media forms to create a rich, layered project. Students also conduct in-depth historical research to inform their creative work

AI Literacy Workshop Series

This collection of activities were part of a series of workshops on AI literacy, touching on tools, prompt writing, and more. The activities can be used individually or as a full series.

AI Literacy Workshop: AI Art and Images

Students critically analyze the role and impact of AI in the art world, examining ethical, social, and artistic implications to develop a nuanced perspective on AI-generated content.

How GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) Work

This activity provides an interactive and engaging approach where students can play with AI tools and explore GANs and discrimnators through activities like a password guessing game and painting with a generator.

AI & The Environment

This assignment highlights how AI can process large datasets much faster than humans, aiding environmentalists in protecting wildlife. By analyzing camera trap and satellite data, AI helps researchers make informed decisions and conservation plans.

AI & Drawing

This assignment teaches students how data becomes output in AI models and highlighting the presence of human biases in datasets. By exploring drawing in Google Quick, Draw!, students learn core AI ideas in a fun and interactive way.

AI & Facial Recognition

The activity addresses biases in facial recognition, particularly how it fails more often on women and people with darker skin. It also discusses the ethical implications and legal responses to surveillance technology, fostering critical thinking and informed discussions among students.

AI & Deepfakes

This activity provides a thorough introduction to deepfakes, including definitions, how they work, and their impact on society, making it accessible even for those with no background knowledge. Students then engage in hands-on activities such as detecting deepfakes and creating their own, supplemented by videos and discussions to reinforce learning.

MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing and AI Working Paper

This policy, from The Modern Language Association (MLA)-Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Joint Task Force on Writing and AI, provides a comprehensive overview of the implications of AI in writing and literature education.