How Is AI Trained?

This lesson plan teaches students how AI is trained using data they share online. Through illustrations, discussions, and real-life examples, students learn the importance of data in AI development and enhance their critical thinking and writing skills.

AI Chatbots: Who’s Behind the Screen?

This lesson plan introduces students to AI chatbots, their functionalities, and their real-life applications. Through videos, discussions, and interactive activities, students enhance their understanding of AI chatbots and develop critical writing skills by articulating their knowledge and reflections.

Design an AI Agent

This project guides students in designing an AI agent to effectively interact with humans in various disciplines. They will explore the current use of AI in specific fields and develop their own AI agents to address real-world tasks or challenges.

Create an AI Expert Guessing Game

This project helps students understand how subject-matter experts classify information and how AI can perform similar classifications to solve real-world problems. By creating a guessing game, students synthesize knowledge from their coursework, making it a great tool for review and end-of-unit synthesis.

Mind of a Machine

The activity helps students explore AI’s decision-making processes and its ethical implications. As part of the activity, students play “Celebrity Heads” to compare artificial intelligence to human intelligence.

Wrestling with A.I.

Students first read and reflect on articles on the social implications of AI and then participate in class discussions of the ethical dilemmas that AI presents. Additional ideas in the chapter include asking students to play with predictive text and to write position statements on the use of AI.

How GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) Work

This activity provides an interactive and engaging approach where students can play with AI tools and explore GANs and discrimnators through activities like a password guessing game and painting with a generator.

AI & Ethics

Students engage in role-playing activities where they run their own companies and make ethical decisions. This hands-on approach helps them understand the practical implications of AI ethics.

AI & Drawing

This assignment teaches students how data becomes output in AI models and highlighting the presence of human biases in datasets. By exploring drawing in Google Quick, Draw!, students learn core AI ideas in a fun and interactive way.

How Neural Networks Work

This activity allows students to actively engage in the learning process by acting out different layers of a neural network and teaching others what they have learned.

Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics Teaching

This policy, from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, highlights the role of AI in enhancing personalized learning, emphasizing the need for teachers to integrate AI ethically while maintaining their pedagogical and relational expertise.

AI Classroom Activity: Machine Learning

The assignment provides students with practical experience in machine learning by engaging them in activities that involve training algorithms and analyzing data, making complex concepts more accessible through hands-on application.