Study: Flashcard Generation

ChatGPT can assist in turning content into a question-and-answer format and creating interactive quizzes, enhancing the study experience. For students whose second language is English, ChatGPT can translate content into their native language, improving comprehension and retention.

Study: Personal Teaching Assistant

Students use ChatGPT to receive explanations and definitions in various formats, with content progressing from simplified to more complex levels. Available formats include charts, graphs, images, audio recordings, videos, text summaries, games, and simulations.

Study: Find Elusive Terms

By demonstrating how to use ChatGPT to retrieve forgotten terms, students learn valuable memory retrieval techniques. They understand how to describe the features of the term they are trying to recall, which helps in better communication and cognitive processing.

Study: Question Creation

This assignment shows students how to use ChatGPT to generate a variety of quiz questions on any topic, even when no existing materials are available. Students can customize the difficulty and style of the questions, making self-quizzing more effective and tailored to their needs.

Study: Create Study Plans

By generating outlines, summaries, and study aids tailored to their learning preferences, students can better manage their study time and improve their comprehension and retention of material.

Generate: Social Media Posts

This assignment teaches students to generate social media posts tailored to specific audiences. By understanding the tone and style of various platforms, students can create content that effectively communicates key concepts to targeted demographics.

Writing: Brainstorming a Topic

ChatGPT helps students break down complex topics into smaller, manageable sub-components, aiding in the generation of a clear thesis and logical argument flow across paragraphs.

Analyze: Qualitative Analysis

Students utilize ChatGPT to identify repetitions, themes, and categories in texts, leveraging its ability to recognize synonyms and related concepts, even with varied diction.

Analyze: Convert to Conversational Language

Students use ChatGPT to convert complex academic texts into conversational language, making challenging concepts more accessible and understandable. By practicing with ChatGPT, students enhance their ability to explain research and projects to non-experts.

GenAI Chatbot Scenarios in Higher Education

The assignment explores the ethical implications of various AI chatbot scenarios. The activity is designed to be conducted in groups, promoting collaborative learning and diverse viewpoints in discussing the ethical considerations of AI technologies.

Analyze: Critique and Interpret

The assignment helps students develop their interpretation skills by engaging with ChatGPT to analyze the structure, themes, and arguments of a text, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of various texts.

Analyze: Find the Needle in the Haystack

Students develop their ability to craft precise queries for AI tools, learning how to effectively ask for specific pieces of information and improve their research efficiency in handling extensive texts.

MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing and AI Working Paper

This policy, from The Modern Language Association (MLA)-Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Joint Task Force on Writing and AI, provides a comprehensive overview of the implications of AI in writing and literature education.

Evaluate: Bias

Students develop critical evaluation skills by assessing AI outputs for biases, assumptions, and stereotypes.

Evaluate: Write a Rebuttal

Students craft a detailed rebuttal to the AI-generated argument, focusing on different aspects such as the scope, conclusions, and missing evidence.

Evaluate: Logical Fallacies

Students create arguments using ChatGPT and identify any logical fallacies present in the generated content. Students provide a detailed explanation of how the identified logical fallacies occurred and suggest ways to prevent them.

Evaluate: ChatGPT’s Predictions and Extrapolations

Students generate predictions using ChatGPT and critically assess the output. The assignment emphasizes an analytical approach to evaluating hypothetical scenarios generated by ChatGPT. Students must go beyond simple fact-checking and use reasoned analysis to diagnose the plausibility of the predictions.

Evaluate: Soundness of the Argument

Students analyze how facts are assembled into an argument, focusing on the validity of the connective logic. They are encouraged to look beyond the individual facts and assess whether the conclusions drawn are logically supported by the premises.

Evaluate: Hallucinated Sources

Students verify the existence of quoted sources provided by ChatGPT, using the institution’s library website. This activity ensures that students learn to critically assess AI-generated content and confirm its authenticity.

Evaluate: Correctness

The assignment examines the inherent weaknesses of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, emphasizing the importance of not relying on them unquestioningly. It highlights how these models mimic speech without true understanding and can produce convincingly false information.

Search: Seminal Scholars, Studies, and Other Materials

The assignment teaches students to use ChatGPT to identify significant scholars, studies, and materials within a given field, providing a foundational understanding of important contributors and key texts in the subject area.

Search: Explanations for Wrong Answers

By using ChatGPT to identify and correct misconceptions, students can clarify their understanding of complex topics, ensuring that incorrect knowledge does not impede future learning and comprehension.