AI and Art

This project engages students in exploring artistic styles and how AI neural networks can learn and apply these styles to create new artwork. Through this activity, students enhance their understanding of AI, machine learning, and artistic expression.

Museum Label Writing

This assignment focuses on developing students’ skills in writing compelling museum labels by using AI-generated content as a starting point. Students analyze ceramic objects, generate prompts for ChatGPT, critique the AI-generated labels, and reflect on the writing process.

Writing Imagery: Multimodal AIs in History and Digital Art

Students engage in multimodal composition, blending written text with digital images, sounds, and other media forms to create a rich, layered project. Students also conduct in-depth historical research to inform their creative work

AI Literacy Workshop: AI Art and Images

Students critically analyze the role and impact of AI in the art world, examining ethical, social, and artistic implications to develop a nuanced perspective on AI-generated content.

How GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) Work

This activity provides an interactive and engaging approach where students can play with AI tools and explore GANs and discrimnators through activities like a password guessing game and painting with a generator.

AI & Drawing

This assignment teaches students how data becomes output in AI models and highlighting the presence of human biases in datasets. By exploring drawing in Google Quick, Draw!, students learn core AI ideas in a fun and interactive way.