Speaking and Thinking for Ourselves

Students reflect on ethical considerations in the context of communication and technology by comparing ideas in an Immanual Kant essay to current events related to artificial intelligence.

Writing Imagery: Multimodal AIs in History and Digital Art

Students engage in multimodal composition, blending written text with digital images, sounds, and other media forms to create a rich, layered project. Students also conduct in-depth historical research to inform their creative work

Narrative and Text Generation AI

Students engage in creative writing exercises where they collaborate with AI text generation tools to produce narratives. Students analyze the structure and coherence of AI-generated narratives, comparing them to human-written stories to identify strengths and weaknesses.

AI Literacy: Real-World Cautionary Tales

Students analyze real-world case studies that illustrate the potential pitfalls and ethical considerations of AI applications, enhancing their understanding of AI’s impact on society.

My Summer with ChatGPT

The assignment emphasizes creative storytelling by encouraging students to co-create stories with ChatGPT, and then they document their interactions with AI in a reflective journal, analyzing their learning experiences and the impact of AI on their writing development.

Wrestling with A.I.

Students first read and reflect on articles on the social implications of AI and then participate in class discussions of the ethical dilemmas that AI presents. Additional ideas in the chapter include asking students to play with predictive text and to write position statements on the use of AI.

AI Literacy Workshop Series

This collection of activities were part of a series of workshops on AI literacy, touching on tools, prompt writing, and more. The activities can be used individually or as a full series.

AI Literacy Workshop: AI Art and Images

Students critically analyze the role and impact of AI in the art world, examining ethical, social, and artistic implications to develop a nuanced perspective on AI-generated content.

AI Literacy Workshop: Ethics and Social Justice

This workshop teaches participants how to recognize and mitigate biases in AI algorithms and data, ensuring fairness in AI systems by addressing issues such as demographic parity and equal opportunity.

Creating Constitutions with ChatGPT

Students work collaboratively in groups to draft their constitutions, fostering teamwork and communication skills while allowing them to benefit from diverse perspectives and ideas.