Study: Time Management

This assignment helps students boost productivity by using ChatGPT to create personalized schedules that balance academic, personal, and work lives.

Study: Flashcard Generation

ChatGPT can assist in turning content into a question-and-answer format and creating interactive quizzes, enhancing the study experience. For students whose second language is English, ChatGPT can translate content into their native language, improving comprehension and retention.

Study: Personal Teaching Assistant

Students use ChatGPT to receive explanations and definitions in various formats, with content progressing from simplified to more complex levels. Available formats include charts, graphs, images, audio recordings, videos, text summaries, games, and simulations.

Study: Find Elusive Terms

By demonstrating how to use ChatGPT to retrieve forgotten terms, students learn valuable memory retrieval techniques. They understand how to describe the features of the term they are trying to recall, which helps in better communication and cognitive processing.

Study: Question Creation

This assignment shows students how to use ChatGPT to generate a variety of quiz questions on any topic, even when no existing materials are available. Students can customize the difficulty and style of the questions, making self-quizzing more effective and tailored to their needs.

Study: Create Study Plans

By generating outlines, summaries, and study aids tailored to their learning preferences, students can better manage their study time and improve their comprehension and retention of material.

Study: Summarize Long Articles

Students use ChatGPT to distill complex readings into easily comprehensible language, allowing them to absorb and understand the material more fully. This critical evaluation process hones their analytical skills, ensuring they understand the material deeply and can assess the accuracy and relevance of summaries.

Generate: Software Coding

Students transform theoretical concepts into practical solutions by using AI tools to generate software code. ChatGPT can provider guidance, explanations, and code generation support. This interactive learning approach encourages problem-solving and helps students create and test their software projects effectively.

Generate: Creative Writing as Application

This assignment leverages the power of storytelling to activate sensory, emotional, and cognitive regions of the brain, making content more relevant, memorable, and transferable. By asking students to create characters, build backstory and conflict, and engage in scenes that require understanding of concepts or theories, this assignment enhances learning across various subjects, including biomedical sciences and health professions.

Generate: Social Media Posts

This assignment teaches students to generate social media posts tailored to specific audiences. By understanding the tone and style of various platforms, students can create content that effectively communicates key concepts to targeted demographics.

Generate: Poetry as Application

This assignment leverages poetry to teach key concepts from various subjects, particularly STEM, by incorporating poetic devices like metaphors.

Generate: Slogans

By using ChatGPT to generate key branding elements, students can enhance their marketing skills and learn the importance of effective communication in branding.

Generate: Business Ideas

Students brainstorm new business ideas by combining their creativity and personal interests with course content. By using ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas, students can evaluate, refine, and create business plans that are directly tied to their skills and the needs of their target audiences.

Generate: Role Play

Students create personas and engage in role-playing interviews with ChatGPT, simulating real-world scenarios and making the learning experience more interactive and engaging.

Generate: Elaboration

ChatGPT helps students elaborate on their work by providing step-by-step processes, pros and cons, and compare-and-contrast scenarios, enhancing their understanding and depth of analysis.

Writing: Holistic Editing

ChatGPT helps students adopt a holistic approach to editing by checking for grammatical errors, consistency, tone, style, and structure, ensuring a thorough review of their work.

Writing: Improve Prose

Using ChatGPT, students receive sample essays of varying quality, with annotations explaining what makes each essay poor, good, or excellent, helping them understand the standards for their writing. ChatGPT suggests specific improvements and helps students develop their writing skills in standard academic English or the required language.

Writing: Analyze Readability and Tone

Using ChatGPT as part of a triangle peer review system provides an additional layer of feedback, ensuring essays are reviewed for readability, clarity, and tone with unbiased, factual responses.

Writing: Grammar and Syntax Check

ChatGPT checks for grammatical errors, sentence structure, and other writing elements in a single output, streamlining the proofreading process for students.

Writing: Burstiness

ChatGPT helps students improve their writing by increasing the variability of word choice and sentence structure, making their prose more engaging and sophisticated.

Writing: Perplexity

Students use ChatGPT to overcome writer’s block by filling in incomplete thoughts and generating ideas, making the writing process smoother and less intimidating.

Writing: Improve Transitions

ChatGPT helps create interactive games that teach students how to use transitions effectively, transforming learning from a traditional mode into a fun, game-based activity.