Facing Off with Facial Recognition

Through discussions, definitions, and reflective activities, students develop a critical understanding of facial recognition and its impact on privacy, enhancing their analytical and writing skills.

AI Algorithms: How Well Do They Know You?

This lesson plan teaches students about AI recommendation algorithms and their influence on online content. Through videos, discussions, and reflective exercises, students learn how algorithms shape their online experiences and develop critical thinking and writing skills.

Understanding AI Bias

This lesson plan helps students understand AI bias through practical exercises and discussions. By exploring training and testing data, students learn how biases can be introduced into AI systems and develop critical thinking and writing skills by analyzing and reflecting on these concepts.

Highway to Autonomy

This activity involves students exploring the technology, benefits, and ethical concerns of autonomous vehicles (AVs). Through research and analysis, students will create a policy proposal addressing a specific AV concern and advocate for their proposal.

Facial Recognition for Good, Evil, & Everything in Between

This activity explores the dual-use nature of AI facial recognition technology through research and creative categorization. Students will develop critical writing skills by analyzing and presenting the ethical implications and societal impact of facial recognition.

Deepfake PSA

This activity engages students in understanding and addressing the impact of AI-generated deepfakes through creating a press release. The focus is on developing fact-based, balanced written communication aimed at educating the general public about deepfakes.

Artificial Common Sense

This activity involves students debating the role of common sense in AI and its importance in decision-making. Through structured debates, students will explore and argue different perspectives on AI’s capabilities and limitations, enhancing their critical thinking and persuasive writing skills.

Laws for AI

Students research ethical business practices, learn about Asimov’s Laws of Robotics, examine the societal impact of AI, and develop their own laws for AI.

Using AI to Solve Environmental Problems

Students explore AI applications for addressing environmental challenges. They learn about AI’s role in sustainability and propose AI-powered solutions to local environmental issues, enhancing their research, critical thinking, and presentation skills.

The Trade-Offs of AI Technology

Students examine the benefits and drawbacks of various AI technologies by exploring ethical considerations, stakeholder impacts, and personal implications of AI use.

Co-Creating an AI Policy

The activity engages students in exploring the ethical considerations and policy implications of AI technology.

Mind of a Machine

The activity helps students explore AI’s decision-making processes and its ethical implications. As part of the activity, students play “Celebrity Heads” to compare artificial intelligence to human intelligence.


Students engage in a creative “Prompt-a-thon” to explore AI-generated writing prompts that focus on wicked problems facing the local community.

AI’s Impact on the Environment

This activity explores AI’s impact on the environment, asking students to write analytical essays on the environmental costs and benefits of AI technologies.

Help With Model UN/Model Congress Drafts Using an AI Chatbot

Students participate in a simulated Model UN or Model Congress, where they draft and debate resolutions. The activity emphasizes persuasive writing, research skills, and the ability to articulate and defend positions clearly and effectively.

Generative AI Op-Ed Assignment

Students prompt AI to write a 750-word op-ed, conduct a thorough fact-check and critique, and then rewrite the op-ed with accurate sources and improved arguments.

Evaluating and Improving AI’s Response

Students evaluate and improve a ChatGPT-generated response, identifying superficial elements, addressing missing points, and elaborating using class material. By varying the question given to the AI text generator, you can customize this assignment to any course.

Writing: Improve Topic Sentences

Students use ChatGPT to generate and refine topic sentences based on their thesis statement and key points, ensuring clarity and direction in their writing.

Writing: Create Counterarguments

Students use ChatGPT to simulate debates, helping them understand and develop counterarguments, which enhances their critical thinking and argumentation skills.

Analyze: Critique and Interpret

The assignment helps students develop their interpretation skills by engaging with ChatGPT to analyze the structure, themes, and arguments of a text, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of various texts.