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Analyze: Critique and Interpret

The assignment helps students develop their interpretation skills by engaging with ChatGPT to analyze the structure, themes, and arguments of a text, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of various texts.

Analyze: Find the Needle in the Haystack

Students develop their ability to craft precise queries for AI tools, learning how to effectively ask for specific pieces of information and improve their research efficiency in handling extensive texts.

Analyze: Summarize Longer Texts

Students use ChatGPT to summarize longer texts, enabling them to quickly grasp the main ideas and focus on higher-order thinking and deeper analysis.

Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics Teaching

This policy, from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, highlights the role of AI in enhancing personalized learning, emphasizing the need for teachers to integrate AI ethically while maintaining their pedagogical and relational expertise.

MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing and AI Working Paper

This policy, from The Modern Language Association (MLA)-Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Joint Task Force on Writing and AI, provides a comprehensive overview of the implications of AI in writing and literature education.

Evaluate: Bias

Students develop critical evaluation skills by assessing AI outputs for biases, assumptions, and stereotypes.

Evaluate: Write a Rebuttal

Students craft a detailed rebuttal to the AI-generated argument, focusing on different aspects such as the scope, conclusions, and missing evidence.

Evaluate: Logical Fallacies

Students create arguments using ChatGPT and identify any logical fallacies present in the generated content. Students provide a detailed explanation of how the identified logical fallacies occurred and suggest ways to prevent them.

Evaluate: ChatGPT’s Predictions and Extrapolations

Students generate predictions using ChatGPT and critically assess the output. The assignment emphasizes an analytical approach to evaluating hypothetical scenarios generated by ChatGPT. Students must go beyond simple fact-checking and use reasoned analysis to diagnose the plausibility of the predictions.

Evaluate: Soundness of the Argument

Students analyze how facts are assembled into an argument, focusing on the validity of the connective logic. They are encouraged to look beyond the individual facts and assess whether the conclusions drawn are logically supported by the premises.

Evaluate: Hallucinated Sources

Students verify the existence of quoted sources provided by ChatGPT, using the institution’s library website. This activity ensures that students learn to critically assess AI-generated content and confirm its authenticity.

Evaluate: Correctness

The assignment examines the inherent weaknesses of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, emphasizing the importance of not relying on them unquestioningly. It highlights how these models mimic speech without true understanding and can produce convincingly false information.

Search: Seminal Scholars, Studies, and Other Materials

The assignment teaches students to use ChatGPT to identify significant scholars, studies, and materials within a given field, providing a foundational understanding of important contributors and key texts in the subject area.

Search: Explanations for Wrong Answers

By using ChatGPT to identify and correct misconceptions, students can clarify their understanding of complex topics, ensuring that incorrect knowledge does not impede future learning and comprehension.

Search: Narrowing Search Results

The assignment teaches students to use quotation marks and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to narrow down search results effectively, ensuring they receive precise information tailored to their specific needs.

Prompt Engineering Series

This series of activities works through strategies for prompt engineering, from basic choices to more sophisticated strategies. Use the activities one-by-one with students or point students to a specific strategy when they need to improve their prompt writing.

Prompt Engineering: New Chat

By requiring students to start a new chat for unrelated questions, the assignment demonstrates the value of resetting the chat history to obtain unbiased and “pure” responses, teaching them to manage context effectively in AI interactions.

Prompt Engineering: Length

The assignment teaches students to specify the desired length of ChatGPT responses, enabling them to receive information in various formats, from concise summaries to detailed essays, depending on their needs.

Prompt Engineering: Sophistication

The assignment encourages students to specify the level of sophistication in their prompts, allowing them to receive responses that match their desired depth and complexity, whether for beginner or advanced understanding.

Prompt Engineering: Specified Style

The assignment encourages students to engage creatively by asking ChatGPT to deliver explanations or summaries in the style of famous authors or artists, making learning more enjoyable and memorable.

Prompt Engineering: Tone

The assignment allows students to explore and understand different tones by having them generate responses in various styles, such as playful, sarcastic, or authoritative, helping them recognize how tone impacts communication.

Prompt Engineering: Context and Specific Requests

The assignment teaches students to use graduated prompts, starting with broad inquiries and progressively adding more details, helping them understand how specificity impacts the quality and accuracy of ChatGPT’s responses.